“L’Afrique enfin domptée se métamorphoserait et se coulerait, soumise, dans les replis de mon imaginaire. Elle ne serait plus que la matière de nombreuses fictions”
The project consists of a set of postcards that can be shown together or independently and be sent anywhere in the world. A postcard is a simple rectangular card used for sending messages. But in a way, it is also a nostalgic method of communication that contributes to the imaginary of a place: one can imagine the life of a remote location by receiving a postcard.
We wanted to evoke the words of African writers mainly because the reality of Africa has been told most of the time through western lenses. African literature is prolific and is not fully represented here. In a sort of collage, we cut and paste phrases that touched us; ideas that we would like to be heard and, above all, words that describe topics such as everyday life, tradition, family, displacement, joy, rituals, and love.
“Postcards from Africa” comes from a personal interest however we hope the project serves as an invitation to those who like art and literature to see other faces of Africa. It has been an exciting process of reading, designing, sharing with others, and challenging our misconceptions. During this time we were able to discover more books, authors and, on some occasions, we were lucky enough to meet with artists and photographers from the region. We are looking forward to continuing with the project and hope this is the first of many editions.
By Alejandra Loreto and Anabella Corridoni
Essay: Edwige Renée Dro
Editorial Design: Peter Oroszlany
Process - collage making